Winter/Spring Basketball
Age divisions offered: Age control date: September 1, 2024
3/4 year old basketball - co-ed, non-competitive; games will be played, but score will not be kept
6 & Under - 5 & 6 year olds *CO-ED*
8 & Under Boys/Girls separate - 7 & 8 year olds
10 & Under Boys/Girls separate - 9 & 10 year olds
12 & Under Boys/Girls separate - 11 & 12 year olds
13 & Under Girls - 11 & 12 & 13 year olds
15U Co-Ed - 14 & 15 year olds
Game/practice days: Can be any day of the week
4U & 6U games will be played on Saturday mornings at Graysville Gym starting on December 7th
8U - 15U Games will be played on Saturdays in the Scenic City Basketball League and will start on December 7th
**Travel will be required**
We believe that youth sports provides players with so many benefits. One of the many benefits to youth sports is socialization and learning to be coachable. This is why we do not accept or facilitate PLAYER/COACH/TEAM requests. We hope to encourage players to continue to make new friends and get the opportunity to learn from new coaches.
Summer Basketball
Game/practice days: Can be any day of the week
We believe that youth sports provides players with so many benefits. One of the many benefits to youth sports is socialization and learning to be coachable. This is why we do not accept or facilitate PLAYER/COACH/TEAM requests. We hope to encourage players to continue to make new friends and get the opportunity to learn from new coaches.
The summer league will be held at Poplar Springs Gymnasium.
We will follow GRPA rules, with the age control date set for September 1st, 2025.
Registration fees cover the cost of a jersey & shorts.